Commercial ofeer of complex security services

«K O D E K S» offers: services of physical and technical protection of:

  • banking institutions
  • objects and enterprises of all forms of ownership
  • natural and legal persons, mass events
  • Shopping-Entertaining Centres
  • warehouse and office spaces
  • houses (incl. housing cooperatives), apartments , territories , transport, property
  • cargo support (including international)
  • Rapid Response Groups
  • Modern systems of video surveillance and alarm
  • Controlled access systems (ACS) , remote surveillance
  • The–driverbodyguard–translator, Assistance Services
  • Legal and economic support

About the company

“K O D E K S” considers its main task is the provision of services of personal and object protection on a highly professional level. “K O D E K S” conducs cost-based pricing policy , offers discounts on all kinds of security services and the installed equipment.

One of the priority activity of company “K O D E K S” is providing operational legal and barrister`s assistance to citizens and entrepreneurship, particularly during inspections by state regulatory and law enforcement authorities , during the pretrial

investigation of criminal proceedings, their judicial review, and also in economic, civil, administrative justice. Every customer who applies for law (judicial) assistance can be sure in investigation of a problem, providing proper legal assessment, recommendations and timely and full resolution of all issues on a confidential basis.

High-quality , transparent and professional level of support on a turnkey” basis , protection from possible illegal ‘ raiders ‘ attacks are guaranteed to enterprises and businesses with foreign investment, corporations, business networks and individual foreigners, citizens of other countries. If it is necessary to obtain trust services, property management services including the use of foreign companies, You will be offered the options of gradual solving of your problem, with using several levels of law, if needed – physical protection of your property and assets including with the ability to control your current and actual presence in relevant situations.

Also , the company ” K O D E K S ” offers detective services, namely:

  • Check the way of children’s free time spending
  • Searching for missing relatives, acquaintances and friends
  • Verification of candidates for the job
  • Verification of business partners
  • Check of adultery
  • photo, video surveillance
  • Private investigation
  • Check of real estate
  • Investigation
  • Search of debitors
  • Business Intelligence
  • Polygraph (lie detector)

The staff of ” K O D E K S” consists of highly qualified specially trained specialists . Our staff is ready to assist in any situation and do its job professionally. Before admission to the staff all employees are pre- tested for professional and physical suitability of using modern methods of psychological testing and training in the training center ” K O D E K S”. Personnel reserve employees of the company includes professionals who speak foreign languages professionally , are specialised in physical combat, weapons , advanced driving , possess the ability to work of administrative positions.

Staff of the company has extensive experience in law enforcement and leading security companies. Cooperation with security forces, law enforcement and regulatory

authorities , companies which ensure technical safety, allows us to effectively address the entire spectrum of tasks set by the Customer.

Security work is based on a license to provide services related to the protection of the state and all other forms of property in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Our company is responsible for all services during the contracts’ execution.

When taking the object under protection qualified specialists will conduct a comprehensive inspection and examination of enterprise, the premise of an object to determine the most effective and appropriate protection system.

Our company developed and implemented a system clock control of the workers, who can guarantee a very high quality of service.

Benefits for the Customer:

  • no need in personnel work operations ( attestation , vacation , sick, disabled quota, taxation of assets, etc.);
  • no need to purchase special uniform for personnel, proper equipment, including weapons transport;
  • possibility to replace personnel health facility as soon as possible after receiving a signal from the Customer
  • non-stop control at the facility , including remote ( control service );
  • possibility of instant increase in personnel to guard the facility in case of extraordinary situations;
  • possibility to make individual proposals and suggestions regarding the protection on your facility;
  • free of charge travel specialist for facility examination and preparation of the subject commercial offer, agreements and related acts;
  • possibility of rapid departure signal “anxiety” rapid response
  • comprehensive expert analysis and development of our employees a set of measures of protection on a “turnkey” basis;
  • physical security is implemented under the schemes that are most convenient for the customer and corresponds with the operational environment at the facility.

Company ” K O D E K S ” is liable under contractual obligations to the Customer

” K O D E K S” is reliable guarantor of stability and security

Let only professionals to take care about Your security